OROGO is a member of a number of groups with the common purpose of sharing information about regulation – within the Northwest Territories and across Canada. Participation in these groups is one way in which OROGO is growing oil and gas regulatory capacity in the Northwest Territories.
NWT Board Forum
The purpose of the NWT Board Forum is to give Northwest Territories resource management organizations an opportunity to learn from one another and to coordinate activities. The forum strives to improve and maintain effective lines of communication between its members, resolve common issues, and share expertise.
NWT-NU Spills Working Group
OROGO is a signatory to the Northwest Territories-Nunavut Spills Working Agreement and participates in the NWT-NU Spills Working Group. In addition to administering a one-window call line for spills reporting, the Working Group promotes inter-agency cooperation, assistance and information sharing. The working group meets twice per year to discuss spill response.
Western Regulators’ Forum
The Western Regulators’ Forum focuses on facilitating the exchange of information and discussion of ideas about oil and gas regulation, collaborating on research into issues or common interest and supporting inter-organizational communications and engagement.
OROGO is a participant in, administered by the British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission. The website provides a way to communicate information about hydraulic fracturing in the Northwest Territories, such as water usage and the chemical ingredients of hydraulic fracturing fluid. It also allows comparison with other Canadian jurisdictions.
CAMPUT is a non-profit organization of Canada’s energy and utilities regulators that supports organizations responsible for the regulation of public utilities (electric, water, gas and pipelines) in Canada. OROGO’s regulatory role has a public utility aspect and OROGO participates in yearly conferences to further develop its capacity in this area.
Professional Petroleum Data Management Association (PPDM)
OROGO is a member of PPDM, which gives access to the PPDM’s body of knowledge on petroleum data standards and business rules, as well as the opportunity to participate in training, conferences and working groups.
Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC)
The IOGCC assists its members to efficiently maximize oil and natural gas resources through sound regulatory practices. As an International Affiliate, along with seven other Canadian provinces and territories, OROGO has the ability to participate on committees, join in oil and gas studies and access international best practices.