Proposed Geophysical Reporting Guidelines and Interpretation Notes

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


The Office of the Regulator of Oil and Gas Operations (OROGO) has started a public engagement process on proposed Geophysical Reporting Guidelines and Interpretation Notes (Guidelines).

The objectives of the guidelines are to:

  • Support operator compliance with the Oil and Gas Geophysical Operations Regulations;
  • Clarify how OROGO will administer the confidentiality period granted to geophysical reports by section 91 of the Petroleum Resources Act ;
  • Maintain a measure of consistency with the requirements of other Canadian regulators, where appropriate; and
  • Fulfill the legislative purpose of the legislation and regulations, which has been commented upon by the courts in the federal context.

The proposed guidelines and a question and answer document are available at Comments will be accepted until December 18, 2017. A summary of the submissions received will be publicly available on OROGO’s website.


“OROGO collects important information from the oil and gas industry about the oil and gas resources of the Northwest Territories. These draft guidelines will clarify the expectations for geophysical reporting and the access to these reports, providing more certainty to industry and users of this information.”

                     James Fulford, Executive Director, OROGO


Quick Facts:

  • The Regulator can issue guidelines and interpretation notes under section 18 of Oil and Gas Operations Act.
  • Since 2014, no geophysical operations have occurred within OROGO’s jurisdiction.
  • The Petroleum Resources Act requires geophysical reports submitted by companies to be kept confidential for 5 years after the work is completed.


Media Contact for OROGO:

Tara Naugler
Senior Advisor, Legislation and Policy
Office of the Regulator of Oil and Gas Operations
Government of the Northwest Territories
867-767-9097 x 78003